welcome !!


So you've stumbled on my little corner of the internet. This is my writing project, documenting the start of the novel writing process from the very start through, hopefully, one day becoming a published author. I have no idea where this journey will take me, but I'm glad you've found me and keep checking back for updates as I enter the rewarding publishing industry.


Thank you for stopping by and I hope you'll stay with me throughout what I know will be a long, hard road ahead. It is, however, a trip I cannot wait to begin.

So sit back, relax, and grab a pot of tea... we're in for an all-nighter.

site map!


Sadly, there's not much content... yet. You'll find the most things around and about my blog. So, to help you find your way... some lists! (Because I love lists. Almost as much as I love post-it notes.)

  • home: does what it says on the tin. Main page!
  • about me: also does what it says on the tin. Want to know more about Anya? This is where you head!
  • my blog: My place for ramblings, YA book reviews, and maybe a contest or two in the future!
  • announcements: yeah, you know what's coming. Site updates, or anything major from me will be here!